Heide Schimke and Margret Schopka devote their art to surfaces, interweaving structures and the fine-grained and volatile networks that are formed by erosion and coincidence. They unravel in an interplay with the substrate and materials, revealing their ephemeral nature. These experiments of shapes can be seen as an analogy for the sensitive balance of change. At the same time, they are echos of the moment of their creation, reflecting its immediacy.
The art exhibition "NOW and the VASTNESS beyond" takes place between March 8th and April 19th 2020 in the old leather factory Halle.
In this joint exhibition by Heide Schimke and Margret Schopka in the old leather factory in Halle, Westphalia, the works of the two artists approach each other. "They work alone, but in presenting their work together they both gain something. They merged their pictures into groups, yet each has its own individual voice." (Westfalenblatt Halle, 2020)
The in situ work of Margret Schopka with lace blankets, flour, coffee grounds and palm bark was documented by Heide Schimke with a video. The work refers to the painting by Schimke, whose picture on canvas (230 x 120 cm) was created in Australia in 2019 as part of a series of works entitled „it`s always a dream“.
The exhibition opened on Sunday, March 8th with a dance performance by the Stakkato Ensemble, which is known in the cultural landscape of Osnabrück and beyond with multimedia performances and stage plays of contemporary dance, live music and video clips. Margret Schopka's and Heide Schimke's works with their finely divided and filigree networks have been framed appropriately by the performance with dance and live music by cellist Willem Schultz.